Oyster Obsessed

The very thought makes my mouth water. A new obsession, I am no connoisseur. Just a girl who knows what she likes. Let me tell you I like, no love, yes love oysters.

My obsession began on an ordinary Saturday night. My boyfriend and I were walking to “A-Restaurant-That-Must-Not-Be-Named” for a romantic dinner. As we approached the restaurant we noticed several people, holding signs, crowding around the door. We continued to make our way towards the restaurant when I noticed a sign that said, “HORSE MEAT ON THE MENU.” I stopped dead in my tracks and blurted out, “We can’t eat here!” For the record, I eat meat, but for many years I was a vegetarian. Do I feel good about eating meat? No. Do I love prosciutto? Yes. I am conflicted. We’ll save my moral struggle for another post. Regardless, I could not bring myself to support a restaurant that had horse meat as a dish. I love horses with their soft noses, beautiful eyes, and giant teeth. I couldn’t eat one. Some may agree with me, and some may not. Whatever your position we did not enter the restaurant.

After walking for sometime we stumbled into Rodney’s Oyster House. I had never tried oysters before, but I thought about it. Finally, I decided after turning my nose up at the first restaurant I better play it safe, so I ordered something I knew I’d like – the mussels. They were perfect by the way. However, I left Rodney’s feeling as though I had missed out on something.

Two days later I was volunteering at an event. A gentleman from Hooked happened to be shucking oysters. I thought, “This is my chance. It is now or never. Tonight I will try an oyster.” A friend who was attending the event was an oyster virgin as well and she was eager to try one. She ran over and grabbed two oysters. One for her and one for me. We gave each other a nervous look and down they went. After swallowing the tasty morsels we smiled at one another. These weird slimy things were heavenly. We went back for seconds, and we tried to go back for another round, but sadly they were all gone. It was safe to say we were hooked.

A week hadn’t even passed and I was back a Rodney’s. This time I didn’t shy away. I dove in and ordered 25 oysters. I wish I could remember what sauces I put on the oysters or where they were from, but they were so delicious I couldn’t think. I was in a state of ecstasy. The oysters disappeared in no time and I was left craving more, but my wallet told I’d had enough.

My wallet will eventually give in and I’ll be off to Oyster Boy. When I return I promise to have a full report…

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